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Reveal software

A team discussing seismic imaging results using Shearwater’s Reveal software.

Shearwater’s Reveal is the leading seismic processing software in the industry. Our software provides time and depth processing and imaging for marine environments from within a single user interface. We use it extensively ourselves, and it is licensed across the industry with a fast-growing user community.

Reveal has firmly established itself as the favoured seismic processing software in the field – with a trend towards greater adoption and convergence.

A high-resolution topographic visualization of subsurface structures processed with Reveal.


The versatility and power of Reveal is apparent in the list of different industries that take advantage of it. The cornerstone of its use is for exploration and production in the hydrocarbon industry. However, Reveal is also used to process seismic data for shallow hazard mapping; geothermal projects; carbon capture and storage (CCS); the nuclear industry, as well as water resource and deep earth investigations.

Shearwater uses Reveal for all its in-house seismic processing, spanning from real-time field quality control to intricate depth imaging of ocean bottom node data, which encompasses full wave inversion and least squares imaging.

Our broad spectrum of Reveal users spans from prominent integrated energy companies and national oil companies to independent consultants and academic researchers. They make the most of Reveal for hydrocarbon exploration and development, CCS, high resolution (HR), and ultra-high resolution (UHR), aiding near-surface comprehension for wind and geothermal projects.


Reveal provides advanced processing and imaging algorithms from real time quality control on vessels, through to model building and depth imaging, within a flexible, intuitive interface. Reveal's interactivity leads to faster and more accurate decision making. With its advanced job management, parallel processing, cluster scalability and cloud ready status, geophysicists can achieve highly efficient turnarounds with this powerful and easy to use software.

Our stable but always advancing platform puts a powerful toolbox at your fingertips. A complete seismic processing suite, Reveal can read your data from the field and process all the way through to your final imaging stacks. What's more, you can incorporate and edit well logs as part of the complete package.

A geophysicist reviewing seismic waveforms and imaging outputs in Reveal.

Flexible for
your needs

Reveal has a comprehensive set of tools and also offers licensees their own development environment. The Python, C++ and Java application programming interfaces gives you the flexibility to develop and incorporate your own algorithms within Reveal and to run your own code efficiently. Your custom tool will be available to drop into any Reveal processing flow you create. We offer further flexibility by allowing differing input/output formats and supporting the use of Seismic Unix tools inside our graphical user interface.

A digital 3D representation of subsurface seismic data created with Reveal.


The variety of challenges in seismic processing are matched by the innovative ways in which geophysicists meet them. Each challenge needs a different set of tools, some standard and some bespoke; Reveal empowers geophysicists to overcome the common challenges they meet in complex software solutions, allowing the swift application of their expertise through user-friendly, contemporary processing tools. The unified platform for both processing and visualization removes the need for Reveal users to navigate between multiple platforms.


To help the next generation of geophysicists, Shearwater is proud to run the Reveal Student Project Award.

A student exploring geophysical data analysis with Reveal in an academic setting.
A detailed seismic data visualization showing geological formations.


At Shearwater we proudly describe Reveal as state-of-the-art, flexible and cloud ready.

Reveal stands out with its contemporary features, boasting a user-friendly interface, seamless tool accessibility, easy job creation, and interactive quality control.

Although Reveal offers a rich toolkit, some users may wish to integrate their proprietary techniques or continue their research and development within the Reveal ecosystem. Reveal is an interactive geophysical platform equipped with an open development environment, allowing users to customize and expand its capabilities.

Thanks to Reveal's contemporary architecture, it's prepared to operate on any cloud infrastructure. With nearly a decade of experience across various platforms, we are not aligned to a specific cloud vendor -- the choice is entirely yours.


We gladly collaborate with our customers in either of two ways: by providing our processing and imaging services, or by empowering customers to process data independently through Reveal. However, we believe the greatest value is realized when you combine both approaches. Our open-minded approach, sharing the knowledge we've acquired, empowers you to achieve greater success on your own.

A seabird in motion over the sea, symbolizing Shearwater’s exploration expertise.
A specialist overseeing seismic data processing in a dark control room.


The best way to see if Reveal is as intuitive as we say, is to try it out for yourself with our 30-day free trial. We can provide you with all you need to dive in: access to our user portal where you can download the latest version of Reveal; useful tutorials, links to datasets; the Reveal manual and a list of recent updates.

We give you a step-by-step tutorial, taking you through a processing sequence, while at the same time showing you the fundamentals of the software.

Within Reveal there are example flows covering many different processing projects – 2D/3D, land and marine, time and depth, and so on. All with explanatory notes and guidance.

Getting started is easy. We’ll guide you through the first steps and set you on the right path, our support team is always on hand to make sure you get the most from Reveal.

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Reveal 30 day trial

The best way to understand the full capabilities of Shearwater Reveal is to start using it.

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Aaron Lockwood, Reveal software expert is here to help